

FLYMAG selects articles previously published in the FLYMAG magazine, and highlights them here the website.
You’ll find a list of the selected articles below.

Anatolian Eagle – 2015

Den årlige internationale øvelse, Anatolian Eagle, afholdt på Turkish Air Force 3. Main Jet Base, Konya Air Base, fandt sted i midten af juni. Med de fortsatte kampe mod ISIS i Syrien og Irak, konflikten i Yemen mellem shiamuslimske Houthi oprørere og pro-regeringsstyrker sammen med den konstante uro i Libyen så tæt på Tyrkiets dørtrin, er behovet for at uddanne og samarbejde med NATO og dets mellemøstlige allierede vigtigere end det nogensinde tidligere har været.

Anatolian Eagle afholdes to til fire gange om året, hvoraf de første er klassificeret som nationale øvelser, mens det tyrkiske luftvåben inviterer allierede kræfter med til en af øvelserne, for at give dem mulighed for at slutte sig til øvelsen på Konya Air Base.

FLYMAG var med da Anatolian Eagle blev afholdt i juni 2015.

Northern Edge – 2015

Large-scale exercises and the opportunity to test experimental equipment between different branches of the US armed forces, including the US Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Coast Guard and Air Force, is a rare opportunity these days.

In June 2015, the Alaskan Command gave around 6000 troops from all these branches just such an opportunity during exercise Northern Edge 2015 (NE15). In Alaska, the participants had to train interservice cooperation between all the different branches, as well as working with units from bases outside Alaska.

Eskadrille 723 – Den martime eskadrille

Bag navnet ‘Eskadrille 723’, finder man i dag, hvad der tidligere hed Søværnets Helikoptertjeneste. Søværnets Helikoptertjeneste blev først dannet som en “Flight” under Eskadrille 722, som også dengang havde Search And Rescue(SAR) rollen, da man modtog de første Alouette III-helikoptere i 1962.

Denne “Marine Flights” primære opgave var at deltage i overvågningen af de færøske og grønlandske farvande
fra inspektionsskibe i Nordatlanten. FLYMAG kigger nærmere på historien, og fremtiden i Eks. 723.

Red Flag – Alaska 14–2

Med et af de største luftrum i nordamerika tilgængeligt, tilbyder Red Flag Alaska et uovertruffen klasseværelse for alle de piloter, og deres flyvere der deltager i øvelsen. Øvelsen, som er en af de største øvelser for USAF Pacific Air Forces (PACAF), er predt ud over to USAF baser, Eielson AFB øst for Fairbanks, og Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson nord for Anchorage, samt US Army baserne, Fort Wainwright i Fairbanks og Fort Greely syd øst for Fairbanks.

Den varierede topografi under luftrummet i Alaska, indeholder bjerge, brede sletter og dale. I de specielle ranges i området, er der en omfattende række af mål og elektroniske “combat threat simulators”, der bruges til at teste missions planlæggere,og piloternes færdigheder.

Escadron de Chasse 02.005 – “Île-de-France”

Eskadrillen har været aktiv siden 1941 og krigsårene omkring 2. verdenskrig bød på godt 7.845 togter, 10.000 flyvetimer, 37 fjendtlige fly nedskudt, og over 500 ødelagte biler og lokomotiver. Tredive piloter dræbt, og 6 blev taget som krigsfanger.

Denne artikel vil tage dig igennem enhedens utallige flytninger, og give dig et indblik i historien, som har formet enheden, til den den er i dag. ‘

Eskadrillen er i dag en front-line enhed, en træningsenhed, og en konverteringsenhed for alle Mirage 2000 piloter i France Air Force.

Winter Wonderland – F 21

The 211th Squadron continued to fly the Viggen, but there was no defined role for their two-seat versions, so they armed them with jammers, turning this amazing plane into an electronic warfare fighter. The 211th Squadron flew all the different versions of the Viggen, including AJSF 37, AJSH 37, JA 37, and SK 37 from around the millennium to the end of the Viggen-era in 2005. The 211th Squadron was the last squadron in the world flying the Viggen.

The squadron then transitioned to the JAS 39A/B Gripen in 2006 and the entire wing was finally upgraded to the current C/D versions in 2008. The amount of airframes was reduced at the same time.

N.K.A.W.T.G – Nobody Kicks Ass Without Tanker Gas

The mysterious headline of this article needs no Latin translation skills as it is the unofficial tanker pilot motto: Nobody Kicks Ass Without Tanker Gas.

In this article, we will take a look at the history of air refuelling, a closer look at the dominant tanker aircraft of the USAF and we will take to the skies on an air refuelling mission with the 351st Air Refuelling Squadron which is part of the 100th Air Refuelling Wing at RAF Mildenhall, England.

Barry M. Goldwater Range – Live firing

Most countries have areas where their fighter pilots can train with live ammunition and a country with a large military obviously needs a huge area to practice in. One of the largest such training areas of this type in the United States is the Barry M. Goldwater Range (BMGR) located in southern Arizona between Yuma and Tucson, close to the Mexican border.

The area is close to seven million square kilometres and consists mainly of pristine desert. Above the ground, pilots have close to 240 million cubic kilometres of airspace to train in. Here they can push themselves and their aircraft to the limit while they practice air combat or attacking simulated targets on the ground. The large size of BMGR means that up to fifty aircraft can train in nine air-to-ground areas and two air-to-air areas simultaneously.

Nordic Fighters – F17 Ronneby

Den første del i denne mini-artikel serie, som handler om de nordiske fighters. FLYMAG har været på besøg i det svenske forsvars højborg mod syd, F17 Blekinge AB..

Den hurtigste måde at afvise en ubuden gæst på, enten på himlen eller på havoverfladen, er at sende Försvarsmaktens fightere i luften.

WTI – Training the trainer

Twice a year, the seven week Weapons and Tactics Instructor (WTI) course is held at Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Yuma, Arizona. The main objective of the course, as the name suggests, is to train weapons and tactics instructors for the Marine Corps.

Only the most experienced pilots are selected to gather at Yuma for the WTI course as it is used to increase their knowledge over and above their existing training certifications. This means that they will become experts in their chosen field which then means that they can act as squadron-level instructors when they get back to their units.